среда, 30 апреля 2014 г.

KazTEA Conference 2014

TESh hosted the KazTEA Conference, 25-26 April, 2014. It was sponsored by the RELO US Embassy in Astana and conducted on the basis of Miras University. Special thanks goes to Jennifer Uhler who generously shared her teaching and managerial experiences with us at the sessions, training on TEA Leadership.
We should thank publisers as well, InterPress for their generous support brining a key speaker, Christopher Graham  - a freelance consultant, UK, and our regaular partner - Macmillan, that arranged book exhibition for the Conference participants and Miras students. We developed a new partnership with StdyInn organization who provided as exhibition as speakers for the Conference. 
The Conference program involves about 70 presenters both local and international with their presentations in different formats: workshop, research papers presentation, teaching practice, panel discussion and poster presentation. 
About 200 teachers from Shymkent and its area attended the Conference and enjoed it very much. In their feedbacks most of them shared the idea of running such event annually as it was unique opportunity for them to discuss lots of issues in Teaching EFL and practice their communication skills in English as well. 

KazTEA Conference makes it possible for novice traienrs and students present their research and teaching practices to other professionals. As for mature teachers, professors and policy makers there is an opportunity to contricute and share their valid information to the broad auditorium. 

Thansks to the TESh team that made this event possible! 

Access students with their Puppet Shop

T. Draganova at her poster on TEFL to HIS

Pr.E.Tetyukhin with his pleany speech on
Holistic Education and Leadership 

TESh VIP ladies
S.Kerimkulova from NU,
Astana- KazTEA Advisor

воскресенье, 2 февраля 2014 г.


Photoes of SK Regional Seminar, January 2014 are on  Facebook
You're welcome to add more!

The feedback is welcomed as well! 
South Kazakhstna Seminar on 'Project Management and Leadership in Education' is over. It should be mentioned that the materials of the Seminar were compiled on the basis of two previously attended trainings which were hosted by George Pickering (Britich Council) in Tashkent 2008 and Ruth Larimer, (Fulbright EL Fellow) in Issyk Kul, 2013.
Day 1 was really hard for participants, since so many new terms related to Leadership skills and styles, Partnership were introduced. But on the 2d Day despite variety of activities and new project development the team output was displayed and better understanding of every term and step was acquired.
Some of the quotes of the feedbacks: 'I realized how important is writing a confirmation message or responding to the original one' Irina Kim, TarGU. 'It is something new to think of the evaluation of your project but not just about the process of implementation' Gulmira Yemkulova, TarGU. Young trainers got aware of the importance of baseline data collection and found out new resources apart from Department of Education, the resources the local association has. And participants got to know that there could be other exhibitors apart from welknown InterPress and Macmillan. Local language centers and training centers have something to present.

The results of the Seminar:
TarGU team is working on the application form of the coming KazTEA conference
Taraz School Team is working on invitation letter text to speakers and contact them
Aksu team is working on updating database of TESh seminar participants
Kyzylorda Uni and Gymnazium team is working on detailed information for applicants

Thank you to every participant as every of them introduced something new. And a good number of young teachers, potential leaders join TESh activities.

четверг, 2 января 2014 г.

Happy New Year! May the Firework launched in Dubai greet coming events in the TESh assocition

Firework in Dubai

Calendar of shortly coming events at TESh 

4-8 January: 

Training Trainers (this seminar is for teachers from rural areas and not only who wish to add their professional skills with training one). The schedule for the event is tough and is followed with a series of master class or semiarns at local settings.
The venue- Miras College, Ilyaeva 3, office 207

31 January - 1 February:

Regional Seminar for teachers from Kzyl Orda, Shymkent and Taraz on the topic 'Project Management and Leadership in Education'. Application is open. Deadline is 9th of January

The seminar will cover the Topics: 

  • SWAT Analysis
  • Team-Building Skills and Delegating Tasks
  • Project Milestones and Stages
  • Defining Partners
  • Monitoring Tools and Techniques
  • Project Impact