суббота, 16 февраля 2008 г.

First experience in the classroom

This is to share the latest news from our collegues. Galia Sadykova successfully initiated demonstrative classes. This happened on 13.02.08. What makes her special thanks is that she managed to blend in as interactive board as multimedia resources. I really admired the work of interactive pen. Just think how it's helpful in drill exercises and spelling development. Use of different colours and size should make this or that mistake vivid or draw attention of students to a particular phenomenon.

Another discovery for me was the library resource which should stimulate imagination and support students talk. Various symbols and pics give a learner some ideas to ground their opnion.

As for the use of Hot Potatoes it was great to practice some vocabulary but what the teacher should think over is the organisation of feedback. We can't be silent when one students has finished but another is working or any other mishaps might occur. So the question is what should we do to assess students knowledge with HotPotatoes?

PS And I should thank Irina Popova and Nargilya Hasanova for their support at the class.

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